Est. June 12th 2009 / Desde 12 de Junho de 2009

A daily stopover, where Time is written. A blog of Todo o Tempo do Mundo © / All a World on Time © universe. Apeadeiro onde o Tempo se escreve, diariamente. Um blog do universo Todo o Tempo do Mundo © All a World on Time ©)

terça-feira, 2 de maio de 2023

Meditações - the home’s clock, broke like a bone, always read three


The Mission

Back there then I lived

         across the street from a home


for funerals—afternoons

         I’d look out the shades


& think of the graveyard

         behind Emily Dickinson’s house—


how death was no

         concept, but soul


after soul she watched pour

         into the cold


New England ground.

         Maybe it was the sun


of the Mission,

         maybe just being


more young, but it was less

         disquiet than comfort


days the street filled with cars

         for a wake—


children played tag

         out front, while the bodies


snuck in the back. The only hint

         of death those clusters


of cars, lights low

         as talk, idling dark


as the secondhand suits

         that fathers, or sons


now orphans, had rescued

         out of closets, praying


they still fit. Most did. Most

         laughed despite


themselves, shook

         hands & grew hungry


out of habit, evening

         coming on, again—


the home’s clock, broke

         like a bone, always


read three. Mornings or dead

         of night, I wondered


who slept there & wrote letters

         I later forgot


I sent my father, now find buoyed up

         among the untidy


tide of his belongings.

         He kept everything


but alive. I have come to know



not noun

         but verb, something


that, unlike living,

         by doing right


you do less of. The sun

         is too bright.


Your eyes

         adjust, become


like the night. Hands

         covering the face—


its numbers dark

         & unmoving, unlike


the cars that fill & start

         to edge out, quiet


cortège, crawling, half dim, till

         I could not see to see—

Kevin Young

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