A decisão de mudança na Presidência da FHH foi tomada recentemente na reunião anual do Concelho da Fundação. Cologni pediu para ser substituído, alegando falta de tempo, indicando o nome de Lupo, que acumulará os cargos de Presidente e Directora Executiva.
No comunicado da FHH lê-se:
Speaking at the Foundation Council meeting, Franco Cologni declared that "this change of generation comes at the right time for the future of the Foundation, which requires strategy but also the capacity to respond quickly."
Franco Cologni will remain closely involved with the Foundation as a member of the Foundation Council and as Chairman of the Cultural Council whose 16 members* come from Fine Watchmaking's different horizons.
Under the leadership of personalities such as these, the Fondation de la Haute Horlogerie is preparing a future as intense as its early years.
Members of the Cultural Council
Founders: Jasmine Audemars, Franco Cologni, Stefano Macaluso.
Experts/Collectors: Aurel Bacs, Dominique Fléchon, Cäsar Menz, Ludwig Oeschslin.
Journalists: Elizabeth Doerr, Tomoko Kayama, Thomas Mao, Eugenio Zigliotto.
Retailers: René Beyer, Michael Mauer, Laurent Picciotto, Michael Tay.
FHH: Fabienne Lupo.
No comunicado da FHH lê-se:
Speaking at the Foundation Council meeting, Franco Cologni declared that "this change of generation comes at the right time for the future of the Foundation, which requires strategy but also the capacity to respond quickly."
Franco Cologni will remain closely involved with the Foundation as a member of the Foundation Council and as Chairman of the Cultural Council whose 16 members* come from Fine Watchmaking's different horizons.
Under the leadership of personalities such as these, the Fondation de la Haute Horlogerie is preparing a future as intense as its early years.
Members of the Cultural Council
Founders: Jasmine Audemars, Franco Cologni, Stefano Macaluso.
Experts/Collectors: Aurel Bacs, Dominique Fléchon, Cäsar Menz, Ludwig Oeschslin.
Journalists: Elizabeth Doerr, Tomoko Kayama, Thomas Mao, Eugenio Zigliotto.
Retailers: René Beyer, Michael Mauer, Laurent Picciotto, Michael Tay.
FHH: Fabienne Lupo.
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