Horlogery is one of the finest professions in the world. The range of skills needed by the horlogist is incredibly broad. He or she must be a sculptor and an artist, must be totally familiar with the materials used, and must be a master of technical and scientific precision. One must be able to balance the time honored traditions of watchmaking while embracing today`s cutting-edge technology. The qualities of a horlogist include vision, anistry, craftsmanship, engineering, micromechanics, and much more. At the end of the day, there is an even greater and more fascinating element: the finished product.
A watch is one of the rare products which reflect the personality of its creator as well as that of the wearer. It is a product which emits a positive message, full of beauty, optimism and sensuality, despite the stingent mathematical precision which inevitably goes into its making.
I love watches. they fascinate me, and I admire watchmakers. The uniqueness of their profession opens unknown horizons which embrace the planets and stars and dance with the infinite universe.
In particular the watchmaker deals with time... the time that I love because, as an entrepreneur in the watchmaking industry, it allows me to create new products, to give them a soul. And the time that I hate because I cannot master it or stop it.
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