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quinta-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2012

Conjuntura - Recorde absoluto em 2011 nas exportações relojoeiras suíças

As exportações relojoeiras helvéticas atingiram mais um recorde absoluto em 2011 - 19,3 mil milhões de francos suíços, um aumento de 19,2 por cento face a um ano que já tinha sido recorde, 2010.

O ano de 2011 terminou em crescimento continuado para o sector, com um aumento de 21 por cento face a período homólogo do ano anterior. 

Observadores mais cautelosos sublinham que os números hoje disponibilizados pela Federação Relojoeira dizem respeito ao sell-in (relógios colocados nos pontos de venda) e não ao sell-out (relógios vendidos ao consumidor final), pelo que previnem para um possível abrandamento das exportações nos próximos meses, dada a conjuntura de abrandamento económico que também se verifica nos principais mercados.

Quanto a Portugal, terminou 2011 como 23º mercado mais importante das exportações relojoeiras suíças, num valor de 106,9 milhões de francos (menos 13,8 por cento que os 119,8 de 2010, o ano do recorde absoluto nacional).

Em Dezembro, Portugal estava no 25 lugar, com 9,4 milhões de francos de importações, menos 4,9 por cento que em mês homólogo de 2010.

A notícia da Federação Relojoeira:

Watch exports reached a very high level in 2011, creating a new landmark in their remarkable growth over recent years.

With exports of nearly 19.3 billion francs, Swiss watchmakers exceeded their previous annual result by 19.2%. Except for 2010, which followed a major downturn, growth in the last 20 years has never been so strong.

The trend remained very pronounced throughout the year, with each month showing two-digit rises except for June, which nonetheless posted a 9.2% increase. While the steepest increases (above 30%) were apparent in April and May, the fourth quarter was the most favourable period since it contained the three biggest months in the history of Swiss watch exports.

These excellent results were penalised however by the strength of the Swiss franc, which put strain on margins and selling prices. However the sector drew strength from steady demand and a greater presence worldwide, particularly on high-potential markets less affected by exchange rate fluctuations.

In a partially unfavourable context, prospects remain very good for the Swiss watch industry. The appeal of its high-quality products, growth potential on important markets and investments made by watchmaking firms to ensure their development offer grounds for confidence in the future. In line with this dynamic, the year 2012 is expected to show significant growth and therefore exceed the already very high level of 2011.

Wristwatches accounted for the major share of exports, generating 94% of their total value. This important contribution by timepieces determined the sector’s overall development. Their value rose to 18.1 billion francs, an increase of 19.3% compared to 2010. The number of timepieces exported also showed a remarkable upturn. In twelve months, 29.8 million watches left Switzerland (+13.8%). This is the highest level since 1999 and well above the average figure of 25 million units over the past ten years.

More than one in two watches exported were manufactured from steel. This material showed a positive trend (+12.8%) to exceed 15 million timepieces, on a par with their value at +13.9%. The category of other materials, which includes all non-metallic finishes, saw volumes rise to nearly 8 million units (+18.8%). Among the important materials, the category of other metals, mainly aluminium, registered more than 4 million units (+8.1%).

In value terms, gold watches recorded the highest increase (+26.5%), linked to an upturn in volumes of 24.2%. Bimetallic timepieces were not far behind with an increase of 24.7%.

All price segments made excellent progress in 2011, denoting interest among consumers for the entire range of Swiss watches. Timepieces costing less than 200 francs (export price) greatly influenced volumes with an increase of 2.2 million units (+11.7%). Between 200 and 500 francs, growth was close to 20%, both in value and volume terms. The 500-3,000 francs range saw its value increase at a slightly lower rate (+14.9%) but nevertheless played a significant role in the general upturn. Watches costing more than 3,000 francs recorded the highest rate of growth in value terms (+21.8%) generating two-thirds of the overall increase.

Other products exported by Swiss watchmaking firms, mainly components, also experienced a sharp upturn in value (+18.1% to 1.2 billion francs).

During the year 2011, the fifteen main markets showed the following trend (total value in million francs and % variation by comparison with 2010):

1. Hong Kong 4,085.9 +28.3%
2. USA 1,984.6 +18.4%
3. China 1,636.3 +48.7%
4. France 1,296.4 +10.9%
5. Singapore 1,146.4 +27.5%
6. Italy 1,011.8 +9.5%
7. Japan 909.2 +12.6%
8. Germany 899.2 +17.0%
9. United Arab Emirates 682.9 +17.9%
10. United Kingdom 659.0 +10.4%
11. South Korea 394.5 +29.2%
12. Taiwan 366.9 +18.8%
13. Spain 355.5 +3.4%
14. Saudi Arabia 286.0 +11.6%
15. Thailand 278.6 +35.1%

The main markets of the Swiss watch industry all gained ground in relation to 2010. Absorbing more than 20% of Swiss watch exports by value, Hong Kong recorded a very strong increase, indirectly illustrating the dynamism of markets supplied by its re-exports. The United States confirmed their gradual recovery by maintaining a high level of growth throughout the year. China moved up one place in the ranking, thanks to the biggest increase among the main markets. European markets all registered below-average performances. While France, Germany and the United Kingdom recorded two-digit growth, Italy and Spain failed to match this level. Singapore also moved up one place, following the same trend as Hong Kong. Japan offered concrete signs of recovery, but from a particularly low base.

Estação Crongráfica é suspeita, porque admira muito a Suíça, em quase todos os seus aspectos (não há sociedades perfeitas). Mas deixa ainda aqui o resultado da balança comercial geral em 2011 de um país que tem como única riqueza natural... o seu povo (e que ainda por cima luta contra os efeitos de uma moeda cada vez mais forte):

Trade surplus reaches new record high

Switzerland’s trade surplus rose more than 22 per cent last year over 2010, reaching a record SFr24 billion ($26.24 billion).

Exports were worth SFr197.5 billion, up 2.1 per cent, with the chemical industry the biggest contributor at SFr37 billion. However, quarterly figures show that sales abroad slowed during the year, with the global financial crisis and the strong franc having an impact.

Exporters were forced to make price concessions of around 5.5 per cent on average, the biggest fall ever registered according to figures released by the Federal Customs Administration on Thursday.

Demand in Asia was strong, rising ten per cent, while it stagnated in Europe. However Germany, Switzerland's biggest trade partner, imported six per cent more of Swiss goods than in 2010.

The watch industry was the only sector to post major export growth, with an increase of 19 per cent.

Imports were slightly down at SFr173 billion, with motor vehicles and energy contributing SFr12 billion and SFr9 billion respectively. Prices of imported goods fell by two per cent. and agencies

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