Quem é Torsten Nagengast?
I started my career with collecting wristwatches. In the very beginning it was clear to me to buy only rare timepieces. Later I decided to sell my collection to establishe my own business. In the beginning it was trading of collector watches. Later I bought and sold movements. It started with dealing new movements out of the ETA production, later then new old stocks out of the 40´s and 60´s.
My career can be compared to a train, a train that has various stops, during this stops you have to make the right decisions. These stops had major effects on my business. I have surrounded myself with extremely competent people and friends. To work with them and the collecting of timepieces is a very good school, to get a real feeling for valueable watches and clocks.
During my trips in Switzerland I found marvellous movements, sometimes 1, sometimes 50 and more … During these travels, I visited collectors who had absolutely magnificent movements and watches.
One of these trips was like a “trainstop” because I made the decision to save these old historical movements… The Timekeeper idea was born. The idea to produce new watches with historical movements.
Another “trainstop” was the day i meet Mr.Knesebeck, he showed me the prototype of an 3 aces tourbillon with Planetary and Mysterious Dial. Today this person is a close friend and a very good partner. I hope we´ll create many projects together in future!
A special luxury watch for me it’s a question of quality of life. A watch is a status symbol which immediately shows the level you are at and your tastes. You can have an wonderfull car but you will need to park it outside, whereas a watch goes with you wherever you go.
The discovery of collections with complicated timepieces is like the discovery of a secret treasure!
A actividade de Torsten divide-se por Timekeeper Chronometrie, Atelier Knesebeck ou Wakmann Germany.
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