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terça-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2012

Baselworld 2013 junta ainda mais relógios e jóias

Depois de mais de dois anos de preparação, a Baselworl 2013 está quase pronta a abrir as portas, disse hoje em comunicado a organização da maior feira de Relojoaria e Joalharia do mundo.

Com abertura marcada para 25 de Abril, a Baselworld 2013 já tem os novos conceitos de exposição arrumados nos novos locais, sob o lema "Brilliance Meets" (algo como "o encontro do brilho"). Relógios e Jóias deixarão de estar tão separados como até agora. No Hall 1 (o principal) ficarão as principais marcas relojoeiras e joalheiras, com presença global. No Hall 2, as marcas relojoeiras e joalheiras com presença internacional. Pérolas e pedras preciosas estarão no Hall 3. Máquinas e ferramentas e outros fornecedores ficarão no Hall 4. O Edifício 4 albergará ainda os pavilhões nacionais.

Do comunicado:

The exceptional amount of preparatory work involved in BASELWORLD 2013 dwarfs everything that has gone before. In an endeavour to satisfy all the needs and aspirations of the full range of exhibiting companies, the show management has conducted countless discussions over the past two years. All exhibitors are to be provided with an appropriate platform for successfully conducting business at the new-style BASELWORLD 2013.

The decisive factor here is the newly configured show layout, which permits the biggest concentration of key brands anywhere in the world.

Overlap of the sectors ideally reflected

The watch and jewellery brands have increasingly grown together over the past few years. The separation of these sectors in the past and their allocation to different buildings has now been revised, since it no longer reflects the actual situation on the market. The new show layout depicts this overlap in an ideal manner.

At BASELWORLD 2013, Hall 1 will accommodate the watch and jewellery brands that are of worldwide significance and have a global reach. In Hall 2, the brands that are internationally active in the watch and jewellery industry will be positioned. The exhibitors of diamonds, precious stones and pearls will be presenting their products in their own 'Stones and Pearls' section in Hall 3. This hall too has a completely new layout, suitably aligned to the needs of the exhibiting companies. The representatives of the machinery and supplier industry are located in Hall 4.U. Building 4 additionally houses the National Pavilions where individual countries will be staging their displays.

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