Est. June 12th 2009 / Desde 12 de Junho de 2009

A daily stopover, where Time is written. A blog of Todo o Tempo do Mundo © / All a World on Time © universe. Apeadeiro onde o Tempo se escreve, diariamente. Um blog do universo Todo o Tempo do Mundo © All a World on Time ©)

sábado, 10 de novembro de 2018

Meditações - relógios de sol na Roma Antiga

Hungry Parasite:

The gods confound the man who first found out
How to distinguish hours! Confound him too
Who in this place set up a sundial
To cut and hack my days so wretchedly
Into small portions! When I was a boy,
My belly was my sundial: one more sure,
Truer, and more exact than any of them.
This dial told me when it was time
To go to dinner, when I had anything to eat;
But nowadays, why even when I have,
I can’t fall-to unless the sun gives leave.
The town’s so full of these confounded dials,
The greatest part of its inhabitants,
Shrunk up with hunger, creep along the streets.

Texto latino traduzido e publicado no Lapham's Quarterly, com a seguinte nota:

From The Boeotian Woman. Aulus Gellius preserved these lines in his Attic Nights, believing them to have been written by the Roman comic playwright Plautus. The speech has been subsequently cited as evidence that sundials were common in Rome by the second century BC.

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