segunda-feira, 29 de abril de 2013

Meditações - Quase em Maio

APRIL, 1885.

Wanton with long delay the gay spring leaping cometh ;
The blackthorn starreth now his bough on the eve of May:
All day in the sweet box-tree the bee for pleasure hummeth :
The cuckoo sends afloat his note on the air all day.

Now dewy nights again and rain in gentle shower
At root of tree and flower have quenched the winter's drouth.
On high the hot sun smiles, and banks of cloud uptower
In bulging heads that crowd for miles the dazzlin south.

Gat Robin is seen no more :
He is gone with the snow,
For winter is o'er
And Robin will go.
In need he was fed, and now he is fled
Away to his secret nest.
No more will he stand
Begging for crumbs,
No longer he comes
Beseeching our hand
And showing his breast
At window and door;
Gay Robin is seen no more.

Blithe Robin is heard no more:
He gave us his song
When summer was o'er
And winter was long:
He sang for his bread and now he is fled
Away to his secret nest.

And there in the green
Early and late
Alone to his mate
He pipeth unseen
And swelleth his breast.

For us it is o'er,Blithe Robin is heard no more.
Spring goeth all in white,
Crowned with milk-white may:
In fleecy flocks of light
O'er heaven the white clouds stray :

White butterflies in the air ;
White daisies prank the ground:
The cherry and hoary pear
Scatter their snow around.

Robert Bridges

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