sexta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2022

Como representar em imagens o Tempo e o Espaço do mundo financeiro?

Liberty Park, Nova Iorque. Escultura de Seward Johnson, intitulada Double Check, representando um anónimo financeiro da vizinha Wall Street, ainda cheio de pó, minutos após a queda da última Torre Gémea, nos atentados de 11 de Setembro de 2001. (foto Fernando Correia de Oliveira)

The contemporary financial sistem may be described as a deccentralised and multi-layered network of institutions operating local and globally, with a perpetual ecstatic flow of borrowers, lenders and investors, exchanging funds, commodities, stocks, bonds, futures and derivatives. Especially since the 1990’s, its digital nature has enhanced its complexity and abstraction. Here, time is multiple, accelerated and virtual, it seems to adopt the form of a perpetual present. Within this context, how are photographic images trying to convey the intricacies of such an ecosystem? How are they enabling us to visualise its spaces, agents and actions? Are they able to single out decisive moments or must they adapt and resort to new techniques in order to grasp the diffuse fluidity of the financial systems’ activity? [...]

[...] The enclosure of stock exchanges made of large arena-like floors, rows of computers, telephones, screens and crowds of traders, in immense geometrical and colour saturated spaces reflect a universal microtemporality, where people and commodities, stocks and bonds are undifferentiated and immediately interchangeable within the matrix of global markets. There is no sense of time of the day, no awareness of past or future, these images transport a constant digital flux regardless of time zones and are able to reduce time to a ubiquitous present.

Adriana Correia Oliveira, in "Moments that never happened: visualising high finance", no Archivo Papers Journal, 2022. Link para o artigo, aqui.

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