quinta-feira, 31 de março de 2022

Meditações - how death counts the rings from trees to clocks

All at Once

Trees have whole streets

of when they were planted

plaqued with when the city is

to inherit them dead

of age almost all at once as if

a natural bombing.

People see a bill not figured in,

a blood red

collection come

like fall’s leaf    due without fail

an unseen cost of the design:

pale bud and yellow blossom—

though seeming little to do this time

with tense spring

in the window

of dead and dying trees’ terms up,

with expecting a life by life replacement—

not this plague of life’s time

as a season across the city.

By trial we do, but don’t

know how death counts the rings

from trees to clocks,

species to singled soul

at its hour. or on history’s days we all die at once.

Ed Roberson

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