terça-feira, 18 de junho de 2019

Os relógios Nomos Glashütte e o Solstício de Verão

Maneira imaginativa de ligar uma marca ao Solstício de Verão. A alemã Nomos recorda-nos o dia mais longo do ano, sexta-feira, 21 de Junho, e a "hora azul", o período de tempo quando o Sol está 4 a 8 graus abaixo da linha do horizonte. A carta hoje enviada:

Dear journalists,

As a watch manufacturer, we often ask ourselves: Where does all the time go? Our timepieces keep track of it, but we still don’t know the answer.

What we can say is that the longest days of the year are approaching fast: June 21 is the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere—and in the far north, the sun won’t set at all. That is why many celebrate this day as the official start of summer. Even in Glashütte (50°50'56.8"N, 13°46'25.2"E), we’ll be enjoying twilight until late. And the blue hour (the time period when the sun is four to eight degrees below the horizon) is the moment for a little romance, raising a toast, or taking the perfect photo.

The Tangente above shows you—and your readers and followers—the timings for the longest day of the year. If you would like to use it, feel free! We’d be delighted.

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