sábado, 24 de dezembro de 2016

As Boas-Festas de Delcampe

Happy Holidays! As the year draws to a close, we want to wish you very Happy Holidays! Let joy, love, peace and a passion for collecting into your hearts!

Who is Santa Claus?

The first book about Santa Claus was published in the United States. It was written by Washington Irving in 1851. The following year Clement Clarke Moore wrote the first Christmas tale: "A visit from St. Nicholas". He broke with the church image of St. Nicholas (aka Nicholas of Myra) and moved the date from 6 December (St. Nicholas' birthday) to 24 December. The general public embraced the legend when his poem was published in a New York gazette. Thomas Nast drew Santa Claus dressed in red in 1862. He chose red because it was the colour of cardinals.

Santa Claus was popularised in France by Americans after the Second World War. That's why we wait for him and his reindeer on the night of 24 to 25 December...

While waiting for Santa Claus to stop by, why not explore the items in his likeness on Delcampe!

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