quarta-feira, 15 de julho de 2015

Biblioteca do historiador e perito relojoeiro Jean-Claude Sabrier adquirida pelos relógios F.P.Journe

A biblioteca especializada de Jean-Claude Sabrier, historiador e perito relojoeiro falecido em finais de 2014, foi a leilão a 15 de Junho em Paris. A manufactura genebrina F.P.Journe adquiriu a totalidade dos 273 lotes levados à praça (cerca de mil livros), pela soma de cerca de 760 mil euros.

Conta a manufactura que Jean-Claude Sabrier e François-Paul Journe se encontraram pela primeira vez há 40 anos, em Paris, quando na altura um tinha 35 e o outro 17 anos. Ambos criaram empatia, motivada pelo gosto comum na exploração dos mistérios da relojoaria. Daí surgiu uma amizade.

Do comunicado da manufactura:

F.P.Journe will honor and perpetuate this enduring friendship through an upcoming exhibition featuring this unique library, which contains manuscripts by Ferdinand Berthoud, Pierre Le Roy, Antide Janvier ... all of which will be prominently displayed in the Geneva Manufacture.

Jean-Claude Sabrier was also a recognized international expert in the world of Horology. His studies of the lives and achievements of the master watchmakers constitute a body of work containing crucial technical and historical insights. The idea that his library - a testimony to the depth, extent, and pertinence of his research - might be scattered was unthinkable; a wasted opportunity that F.P.Journe found unimaginable. Instead, he resolved to reunite these important books at his Manufacture. They will be exhibited in a custom-made cabinet that is currently being constructed, to honor J.-C. Sabrier’s memory and to celebrate the deep friendship between the two men.

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