quinta-feira, 20 de março de 2014

União Europeia preocupada com "minerais de sangue"

(foto UE)

Não há apenas "diamantes de sangue". Também o alumínio, o tungesténio ou o tântalo (os chamados 3Ts), bem como o ouro, podem ser "de sangue", ou seja, serem provenientes de zonas em conflito, com o seu comércio a ajudar na perpetuação das guerras. A União Europeia acaba de emitir uma proposta legislativa cobrindo esses minerais.

Sobre isso, o Responsible Jewellery Concil emitiu a seguinte nota:

On March 5, 2014, the European Union (EU) released a draft legislative proposal for conflict minerals covering tin, tungsten, tantalum (3Ts) and gold.

The EU legislation is proposed as a voluntary scheme which sets up a system of self-certification applicable to importers of minerals or metals containing or consisting of 3Ts and gold. For gold, this covers importers into the EU of gold in the form of ores and concentrates, and unwrought, semi-manufactured forms, and powder form.

The aim of the new law is to prevent the intensification or perpetuation of conflict through the international trade in minerals from conflict-affected and high-risk areas. The draft legislation is global in scope, unlike the US Dodd Frank Act, which specifically focuses on the regions surrounding the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The draft legislation supports and aligns with the OECD Due Diligence Guidance and sets out a framework for importers to voluntarily implement the Guidance and undergo regular third party audit. The EU will also work towards publishing a list of EU and global smelters and refiners that operate responsibly. This is intended to provide visible recognition for the efforts of EU companies who source responsibly from conflict-affected countries or areas.

The legislation package also includes provision for financial support for Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) to carry out due diligence and for the OECD for capacity building and outreach activities. There are also plans for policy dialogues and diplomatic outreach with governments in extraction, processing and consuming countries to encourage a broader use of due diligence, and development cooperation with the countries concerned.

The new EU conflict minerals law seeks to obtain legislative endorsement in September with a view to implementation commencing in 2015.

RJC will continue to monitor the legislative process and will advise Members on how their Certifications can be used to support compliance. RJC is also collaborating with other precious metals organisations on how existing certification and audit programmes will interface with the new EU law.

Para ter acesso à proposta da UE, vá aqui.

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