segunda-feira, 24 de março de 2014

Pré-Baselworld 2014 - relógios RJ-Romain Jerome com Realidade Aumentada

Manuel Emch, CEO da RJ-Romain Jerome, e a sua equipa vão, mais uma vez, surpreender quem visitar o stand da marca na Baselworld 2014 - pela primeira vez nesta indústria, os relógios serão apresentados em Realidade Aumentada, numa parceria tecnológica com a empresa Ogmint.

Ao colocar uma banda especial no pulso do visitante, uma camera especial analisará os dados gerados e produzirá uma réplica a 3D de um relógio RJ-Romain Jerome, marca fundada há dez anos.

Da marca:

This new technology will give you the opportunity to purchase an object without having to go through the lengthy retail process. The aim of Augmented Reality is to allow consumers and brands to save time and money by creating a new selling platform. Reducing lost sales due to stock issues, the final consumer will be able to shop at his will and find any product his heart desires. RJ-Romain Jerome is proud to be part of this ground breaking technological advancement. The conceptual machine installed on RJ’s booth will allow you to own one of the brands legends for a matter of minutes. The experience can also be immortalized with a picture or a video that can instantaneously be shared on all media platforms.

Established since 2012, Ogmint, an Israeli start-up company, provides the full power of Augmented Reality technology to the world of accessories, watches and retail environment. The founding partners are Maxim Interbrick, David BenDavid, Michael Kolomenkin and Nir BenDavid. The Ogmint team brings together vast software development skills, management techniques as well as international marketing and sales strategies. Ogmint develops high-end Augmented Reality solutions to enhance sales, marketing and advertising experiences for the final consumer. The company’s technology is relevant to all Augmented Reality fields; however Ogmint is currently focusing on the opportunity of development in the watch and accessories industries by developing new ways in which the technology can be applied. For its first public exposure, Ogmint is collaborating with iconoclastic watch brand RJ-Romain Jerome. Presenting its new technology during Baselworld 2014, the start-up company ensures an unforgettable experience to the visitors of the RJ-Romain Jerome booth, located in Hall 1.1, booth A55.

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