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Sir Thomas Sean Connery (1930 - 2020) e o seu Rolex Submariner enquanto James Bond

Na morte de Sir Thomas Sean Connery, tempo para recordar o Rolex 6538 que ele usou em Dr. No, na série 007, em 1962. Trata-se de um Sumariner automático, com caixa de 38 mm, de aço. O mais famoso dos relógios usados por James Bond. Daí ter o nome de "Bond Rolex" e de ser muito valorizado. Chega aos 100 mil euros em leilões. Actualmente, é a Omega que equipa o mais famoso agente secreto. 

Relógios & Canetas online de Novembro já disponível

A edição de Novembro do Relógios & Canetas online já está disponível nos sítios do costume. Aqui, aqui ou aqui. Mas também aqui. Continue a consultar a maior plataforma do seu género em língua portuguesa. Estamos consigo há quase um quarto de século. Anuário, a marca que marca.


Há 30 anos - de Beijing a Lisboa, de combóio

Há exactamente 30 anos, a 31 de Outubro de 1990, tomávamos em Beijing o Transiberiano, com destino a Moscovo e paragem mais demorada em Ulan Bator, cinco dias de viagem, três deles pela Sibéria, junto ao lago Baikal. Depois de uma semana em Moscovo, seguimos para Budapeste, também de combóio. Depois de 3 dias na capital húngara, fizemos o Expresso do Oriente para... Ocidente, até Paris. Ali, passada uma semana, apanhámos o Sud-Express até Santa Apolónia. Tem que se fazer, pelo menos uma vez na vida, o Transiberiano.

Meditações - watch the hour hand tick tick tick its final tock

Killing time isn't as difficult as it sounds.

I can shoot a hundred numbers through the chest and watch them bleed decimal points in the palm of my hand. I can rip the numbers off a clock and watch the hour hand tick tick tick its final tock just before I fall asleep. I can suffocate seconds just by holding my breath. I've been murdering minutes for hours and no one seems to mind.

Tahereh Mafi, Shatter Me

sexta-feira, 30 de outubro de 2020

Os relógios Graham no Relógios & Canetas online

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meditações - some things can't be measured by time

The letter had been crumpled up and tossed onto the grate. It had burned all around the edges, so the names at the top and bottom had gone up in smoke. But there was enough of the bold black scrawl to reveal that it had indeed been a love letter. And as Hannah read the singed and half-destroyed parchment, she was forced to turn away to hide the trembling of her hand.

—should warn you that this letter will not be eloquent. However, it will be sincere, especially in light of the fact that you will never read it. I have felt these words like a weight in my chest, until I find myself amazed that a heart can go on beating under such a burden.

I love you. I love you desperately, violently, tenderly, completely. I want you in ways that I know you would find shocking. My love, you don't belong with a man like me. In the past I've done things you wouldn't approve of, and I've done them ten times over. I have led a life of immoderate sin. As it turns out, I'm just as immoderate in love. Worse, in fact.

I want to kiss every soft place of you, make you blush and faint, pleasure you until you weep, and dry every tear with my lips. If you only knew how I crave the taste of you. I want to take you in my hands and mouth and feast on you. I want to drink wine and honey from you.

I want you under me. On your back.

I'm sorry. You deserve more respect than that. But I can't stop thinking of it. Your arms and legs around me. Your mouth, open for my kisses. I need too much of you. A lifetime of nights spent between your thighs wouldn't be enough.

I want to talk with you forever. I remember every word you've ever said to me.

If only I could visit you as a foreigner goes into a new country, learn the language of you, wander past all borders into every private and secret place, I would stay forever. I would become a citizen of you.

You would say it's too soon to feel this way. You would ask how I could be so certain. But some things can't be measured by time. Ask me an hour from now. Ask me a month from now. A year, ten years, a lifetime. The way I love you will outlast every calendar, clock, and every toll of every bell that will ever be cast. If only you—

And there it stopped.

Lisa Kleypas, A Wallflower Christmas

Os relógios Glashütte Original no Relógios & Canetas online

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Meditações - a clock of leaves

Deep in the meadow, under the willow
a bed of grass, a soft green pillow
lay down your head, and close your sleepy eyes
and when again they open, the sun will rise.
Hear it's safe, here it's warm
hear the daisies guard you from every harm
hear your dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them true
hear is the place where i love you.
Deep in the meadow, hidden far away
a clock of leaves, a moonbeam ray
forget your woes and let your troubles lay
and when again it's morning, they'll wash away.
Hear it's safe, hears its' warm
hear the daises guard you from every harm
Hear your dreams are sweet and tomorrow bring them true
hear is the place where i love you.”

Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games

quarta-feira, 28 de outubro de 2020

Os relógios Frederique Constant no Relógios & Canetas online

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Meditações - always too late or too early

Three o'clock is always too late or too early for anything you want to do.

Jean-Paul Sartre, Nausea

Os relógios Ferrari no Relógios & Canetas online

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Meditações - Our life is made up of time

Our life is made up of time; our days are measured in hours, our pay measured by those hours, our knowledge is measured by years. We grab a few quick minutes in our busy day to have a coffee break. We rush back to our desks, we watch the clock, we live by appointments. And yet your time eventually runs out and you wonder in your heart of hearts if those seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years and decades were being spent the best way they possibly could. In other words, if you could change anything, would you?

Cecelia Ahern, Love, Rosie

Os relógios De Bethune no Relógios & Canetas online

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Os relógios Corum no Relógios & Canetas online

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Meditações - um relógio universal

In some versions of quantum gravity, time itself would be quantized, meaning it would be made from discrete units, which would be the fundamental period of time. It would be as if the universe contained an underlying field that sets the minimum tick rate for everything inside of it, sort of like the famous Higgs field that gives rise to the Higgs boson particle which lends other particles mass. But for this universal clock, “instead of providing mass, it provides time," said Martin Bojowald.

By modeling such a universal clock, he and his colleagues were able to show that it would have implications for human-built atomic clocks, which use the pendulum-like oscillation of certain atoms to provide our best measurements of time. According to this model, atomic clocks’ ticks would sometimes be out of sync with the universal clock’s ticks.

This would limit the precision of an individual atomic clock’s time measurements, meaning two different atomic clocks might eventually disagree about how long a span of time has passed. Given that our best atomic clocks agree with one another and can measure ticks as small as 10^(minus19) seconds, or a tenth of a billionth of a billionth of a second, the fundamental unit of time can be no larger than 10^(minus 33)seconds, according to the team’s paper, which appeared June 19 in the journal Physical Review Letters.

“What I like the most about the paper is the neatness of the model," Esteban Castro-Ruiz, a quantum physicist at the Université Libre de Bruxelles in Belgium who was not involved in the work, told Live Science. “They get an actual bound that you can in principle measure, and I find this amazing.”

Research of this type tends to be extremely abstract, he added, so it was nice to see a concrete result with observational consequences for quantum gravity, meaning the theory could one day be tested.

While verifying that such a fundamental unit of time exists is beyond our current technological capabilities, it is more accessible than previous proposals, such as the Planck time, the researchers said in their paper. Derived from fundamental constants, the Planck time would set the tiniest measureable ticks at 10^(minus 44) seconds, or a ten-thousandth of a billionth of a billionth of a billionth of a billionth of a billionth of a second, according to Universe Today.

Whether or not there is some length of time smaller than the Planck time is up for debate, since neither quantum mechanics nor relativity can explain what happens below that scale. “It makes no sense to talk about time beyond these units, at least in our current theories,” said Castro-Ruiz.

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Relojoaria Queiroz, a mais antiga de Braga, fundada em 1903 (do Núcleo do Tempo do Ephemera)

Do Núcleo do Tempo do Arquivo Ephemera - Nota de Crédito de 15 de Janeiro de 1957, emitida pela Relojoaria Maurício Queiroz, Lda, na rua D. Frei Caetano Brandão, 4, Braga.

Aquando da elaboração de História do Tempo em Portugal -Elementos para uma História do Tempo, da Relojoaria e das Mentalidades emPortugal (2003), falámos com o então responsável por este espaço, um dos mais antigos no seu género na cidade.

Em Relógios & Relojoeiros - Quem é Quem no Tempo em Portugal (2006) incluimos entradas sobre este tema:

OURIVESARIA QUEIROZ Estabelecimento inaugurado em 1903 – o mais antigo do género na cidade de Braga. Fundada por José Augusto Pinto de Queiroz, um operário têxtil que se dedicaria à relojoaria e que passaria, à sua morte, em 1933, aos três filhos – José, João e Maurício.

A casa, que esteve primeiro no Campo da Vinha e que se mudou depois para o local onde ainda hoje se encontra, a Rua D. Frei Caetano Brandão, é dirigida pelo actual proprietário, Paulino Ribeiro de Araújo.

Paulino Ribeiro de Araújo, em 2002, no seu estabelecimento  (fotografias arquivo Fernando Correia de Oliveira)


Em Relógios & Relojoeiros - Quem É Quem no Tempo em Portugal, escrevemos:

ARAÚJO, Paulino Ribeiro de

Relojoeiro reparador, continuava em 2004, aos 81 anos, à frente da Relojoaria Queiroz, um estabelecimento fundado em 1903 – o mais antigo do género na cidade de Braga. A Relojoaria Queiroz foi fundada por José Augusto Pinto de Queiroz, um operário têxtil que se dedicaria à relojoaria e que passaria, à sua morte, em 1933, aos três filhos – José, João e Maurício – a casa que esteve primeiro no Campo da Vinha e que se mudou depois para o local onde ainda hoje se encontra, a Rua D. Frei Caetano Brandão.

Foi na Relojoaria Queiroz que o pai de Paulino o conseguiu “encaixar”, após ele ter feito a quarta classe, nas Oficinas de São José. “Os padres queriam que eu fosse para o seminário, mas eu não…”, dizia em entrevista, no início de 2004, o mais velho relojoeiro português em actividade. “O meu pai, que era polícia, mas que sempre se interessou por relógios e que frequentava a casa, pediu para que me dessem emprego. Fiquei até hoje”.

O seu grande mestre na arte da relojoaria foi José Augusto Pinto de Queiroz. “Ele tinha aprendido com o pai, eu aprendi com ele, e eu ensinei ao meus filhos”, diz. A Relojoaria Queiroz, que continua hoje a dedicar-se à venda, reparação e restauro de relojoaria fina, média e grossa, tem sido uma autêntica escola, por onde passaram gerações de relojoeiros. “Nos anos 40, 50 e 60 fizemos relógios de torre e de pé alto com mecanismos feitos por nós. E chegámos a vender relógios de pulso com a nossa marca, com movimentos comprados na Suíça”, diz.

Maurício Queiroz dá entretanto sociedade a Paulino e a outro relojoeiro da casa, Vítor Augusto da Costa Lima. Maurício falece em 1973.

Hoje, a Relojoaria Queiroz é pertença de uma sociedade familiar, composta por Paulino, a mulher e os seus sete filhos, quatro deles relojoeiros e a trabalharem na casa. “Isto já chegou a ter 13 relojoeiros, tal era o movimento de venda, reparação e restauro”. Para comemorar os 100 anos, lançaram um relógio de pulso, em 2003, edição limitada, com a marca Ourivesaria Queiroz e movimento ETA.

Entretanto, com o falecimento de Paulino, o negócio continuou sob a direcção dos quatro filhos. Um deles também já faleceu, mantendo-se os restantes três à frente da Relojoaria Queiroz (ver filme aqui)

Publicidade de 1940 (arquivo Fernando Correia de Oliveira)


                                   Publicidade de 1967 (arquivo Fernando Correia de Oliveira)

Meditações - tempo quântico, tempo relativo

Martin Bojowald: Physics presents two conflicting views of time. One, which stems from quantum mechanics, speaks of time as a parameter that never stops flowing at a steady pace. The other, derived from relativity, tells scientists that time can contract and expand for two observers moving at different speeds, who will disagree about the span between events.

In most cases, this discrepancy isn’t terribly important. The separate realms described by quantum mechanics and relativity hardly overlap. But certain objects—like black holes, which condense enormous mass into an inconceivably tiny space—can’t be fully described without a theory of everything known as quantum gravity.

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Os relógios Cartier no Relógios & Canetas online

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Meditações - as coisas mudam, será isso o Tempo?

Most of us have some sense of time’s passage. But what exactly is time? “We don’t know,” Martin Bojowald, a physicist at Pennsylvania State University in University Park, told Live Science. “We know that things change, and we describe that change in terms of time.”

Lido aqui

Os relógios Calvin Klein no Relógios & Canetas online

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Meditações - A fear of time running out

Try to imagine a life without timekeeping. You probably can’t. You know the month, the year, the day of the week. There is a clock on your wall or the dashboard of your car. You have a schedule, a calendar, a time for dinner or a movie. Yet all around you, timekeeping is ignored. Birds are not late. A dog does not check its watch. Deer do not fret over passing birthdays. Man alone measures time. Man alone chimes the hour. And, because of this, man alone suffers a paralyzing fear that no other creature endures. A fear of time running out.

Mitch Albom, The Time Keeper

Os relógios Breitling no Relógios & Canetas online

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Quando fomos os primeiros a comprar a nível mundial um cronógrafo N.B.Yäger

Charles Elwood "Chuck" Yäeger foi a inspiração do relojoeiro alemão Martin Braun para lançar, há mais ou menos 20 anos, uma marca, "N. B. Yäger" (No Boundaries - Sem Limites). Os primeiros relógios, cronógrafos automáticos com dia e data (calibres Valjoux) foram apresentados em Basileia, na agora desaparecida feira Baselworld. E nós fomos os primeiros a comprar, a nível mundial, um desses relógios. Com uma estética muito bem conseguida, usa sub-mostradores de 180º, poupando assim espaço, com o ponteiro a ler, à vez, a escala de fora ou de dentro. 

Artigo de 1949 das Selecções do Reader's Digest falando do piloto, hoje com 97 anos