Conjuntura - Portugal aumenta em 23,9 por cento o valor das importações relojoeiras da Suíça em Abril

Em Abril, Portugal aumentou em 23,9% o valor das importações de relógios suíços, sendo o 20º mercado mundial. No acumulado dos 4 primeiros meses, o mercado nacional aumentou em 14,6 por cento o valor dos relógios comprados à Suíça, fixando-se como 22º mercado.

No cômputo geral, de Janeiro a Abril, a relojoaria suíça aumentou em 11 por cento o valor das suas exportações, comparado com 2017.

Meditações - o relógio de parede

My city collapsed
The wall clock remained
Our neighbourhood collapsed
The wall clock remained
The street collapsed
The wall clock remained
The square collapsed
The wall clock remained
My home collapsed
The wall clock remained
The wall collapsed
On went
The clock

Samih al-Qasim

Meditações - Clockwork

Twisting, turning…
The sounds of metal scraping against metal,
Iron against iron,
Steel against steel,
The colorful cogs fall into one another.
A series of clicks and similar metallic sounds.
The painted spikes mesh,
Forming patterns as wheels turn.
As one after the other, after the other, after the other…
Clockwork continues
The never-ending pattern.

Katie Jensen

Em La Chaux-de-Fonds, com os relógios Girard-Perregaux

Estamos por estes dias em La Chaux-de-Fonds, para mais uma visita à manufactura Girard-Perregaux.

Meditações - the ugly tick-tock, tick-tock of the clock

1) Midnight: Solitude in the Great Hall

So many years have passed -
peasants sweated, soldiers campaigned,
lovers were parted, poets rendered mute -
so many years have passed,
until this moment when
I can sit alone, in this great Hall,
sunk in my Throne Chair, comforted by my wine
and prayer book, no, my book of verse.
I can read and doze with no fear of
an assassin's blade, or a jealous wife's
tirade, or even an unruly child. All that
is past, some of it preserved in the Chronicles,
other parts reside contently in my heart.
The only irritation is the ugly tick-tock, tick-tock
of the clock behind me. Always behind me but
edging closer, closer... Even that is tame now.
Whether I keep a strict vigil, or pray to God Almighty,
or even entertain sinful thoughts, none of this matters,
for it is the twilight of my reign....

2) Six in the Morning: An Early Spring Day

So many years have passed -
peasants toiled, soldiers bled,
lovers yearned, poets cried -
so many years have passed,
to reach this moment when
our dynastic wars have ended, and
the four families are content with their titles,
their dazzling revenues, their prosperity within
the shared prosperity of the nation itself:
mineral wealth, foreign colonies, vast farmlands,
everyone will share in this national wealth forever.
Of course, of course, it is all vanity, as Eccelsiastes
warns in the Sacred Book. I am of his mind, and withdraw
into my tower every night and each morning. Oh, angels of mercy,
help us to feast on the goods of life, and safeguard
our peace, our children's peace, our animal companions' peace.

3) Noon: The castle crowd celebrates Princess Judith's 16th Birthday

So many years have passed -
peasants suffered, soldiers suffered,
lovers suffered, poets suffered -
so many years have passed,
to reach this moment when
I can look back on those hard years,
and now only tears are shed,
no more bloodshed stains our land,
a lovely peace has been embraced by
weary warriors and happy, happy folk
ion every village, field, hovel, house, palace
of this my Peaceable Kingdom, and yours, my people.
I have taken much care of this, and spread Heaven's
superflux once given to me over all my people.
And humility occupies the chambers of my heart,
pride has been expelled, an outcast, not welcome
at our feasts, our Holy Day festivities, our quiet times,
and so we live and thrive....

4) Evening: An unexpected spring snowfall

So many years have passed -
peasants harvest, soldiers triumph,
lovers unite, poets sing -
so many years have passed,

to reach this moment when,
I can drink my glass of wine, and
drink another, I can sit here
in this Great Hall, alone or
with boisterous, sentimental old friends.
I can linger in my galleries and admire
the finest paintings of our age. Or visit
my Library where the most talented book makers
ply their trade increasing our treasures, and
the best teachers guide children from palaces
and hovels to read, think, dream... Or
I can enter my small chapel, kneel and give thanks.
My father's coat of arms featured a Horn of Plenty,
overflowing with good things, sweet things, hoarded things,
next to the Horn were the spear and sword he used to subdue
his restless peasants, more hostile to him than his greedy
neighbors, the Families. I have tipped that Horn
and poured out its treasures for All to Enjoy.

5) Midnight: The revelry is over, the Great Hall is silent, Ludwig the Wise sits in royal solitude in his Throne Chair

So many years have passed -
peasants are free, soldiers fight no more,
lovers make families, poets sing paens to peace -
so many years have passed,
to reach this moment when,
the King sleeps, embraced in happy dreams; his servants
have gently wrapped him in blankets, and watch over
his sleep; outside a cascade of snow covers everything -
trees, bushes, lawns, palaces and huts - in the purest carpet
of shining crystalline white. A great calm descends
on the clock face of the Kingdom of Ludwig the Wise.

Daniel Brick

Meditações - mundo relógio e quântico

Ours is not only a clock-universe
But also bizarre quantum-universe
Present simultaneously both within and without us
The former offers a determinant world
Giving a sense of security;
The latter offers indeterminate feel for things of innate beauty
The former is a must
For ensuring the endurance of a man;
While the latter is must for divulging quality of life for the same
And both being vital for life in balance as a blessed man

While the intellect strives
To endure stability for souls in living
Holistic love strives to secure inner fulfillment in giving
So head is designed to protect our ego
For sheer survival needs;
While heart is critical to satisfy us in our holistic feeds
Celebrating Nature's bounty
Offering us chances to link globally
For a life of unity with abundant global beauty

Quantum world is all about
ongoing processes in our universe;
Often felt as links in relation to happenings around us
To make own compassionate links
Amidst our given chances,
From an array of flowing vortices using our mind-body power
Taking advantage of feedback gifts
To change the local dynamics
Thus fulfill self-renewal with feedback rectifying power

So, my friends!
Let us not live as the helpless haggard or miser living in misery
Being so rich by virtue of the gifts, let's wisely use own treasury!

Tushar Ray

domingo, 27 de maio de 2018

Com os relógios Fortis no Portugal Air Summit

Depois de uma primeira edição, o Portugal Air Summit consolida-se como o mais importante evento do seu género - plataforma única onde se encontram os vários actores do mundo aeronáutico. Mais uma vez, foi o Aeródromo Municipal de Ponte de Sor que, durante vários dias, serviu de palco para debates, provas de acrobacia e outras actividades, com aeronaves várias - desde drones a F16 da Força Aérea. Como no ano passado, os relógios Fortis, profundamente ligados ao mundo do Ar, foram parceiro do evento e seu cronometrista oficial. E o Anuário Relógios & Canetas... também.

Actuação do agrupamento Sergeant Wilson's Airforce Show, revivendo os sons dos anos 1940 e 1950

Fortis Classic Cosmonauts Ceramic Limited Edition

A TAP presente no Portugal Air Summit

Fortis Official Cosmonauts

Os três ramos das Forças Armadas também marcaram presença

Fortis Flieger_Professional

O campeão europeu de acrobacia aérea em 2014 e um dos mais experimentados pilotos na sua categoria, o espanhol Cástor Fantoba, embaixador dos relógios Fortis (e da Repsol e, desde há dias, dos cafés Delta), autografa um exemplar do Anuário Relógios & Canetas, depois de ter surpreendido milhares de espectadores com um número de acrobacia ao som do Danúbio Azul.

Fortis Cockpit Classic Second

Um BMW eléctrico, entrre as vedetas do Air Summit

Fortis Cockpit Classic Second

As hospedeiras do evento, com patchs Fortis

O Stand Fortis no Air Summit. Os relógios Fortis são representados em portugal pela SRI - Sociedade de Relojoaria Independente

O Anuário Relógios & Canetas esteve presente no Air Summit, fisicamente disponível nos vários espaços do evento

Trocando impressões com Maximilian Spitzy, CEO da Fortis desde 2014, e que esteve presente no Portugal Air Summit

Sessão de autógrafos de Cástor Fantoba

Fortis Aeromaster Mission Timer Chronograph

Quando saímos do Air Summit, ainda a fila era longa para obter um autógrafo de Cástor Fantoba...