quarta-feira, 30 de junho de 2010

Nicolas Hayek (1928-2010) - a posição da Federação Relojoeira

Demorou a reagir, mas a Federação Relojoeira suíça, a associação patronal do sector., emitiu hoje um comunicado, assinado pelo seu Presidente, Jean-Daniel Pasche, sobre o desaparecimento de Nicolas Hayek, Presidente do Swatch Group, o maior do mundo em termos de relojoaria:

It is with consternation and great sadness that we have learned of the death of Mr Nicolas Hayek. On behalf of the staff of the FH, we offer our deepest sympathy to his family and loved ones.

The Swiss watch industry has lost one of its most ardent supporters, who showed unrelenting commitment to promoting the excellence of Swiss watchmaking. His death marks the loss not just of a key actor in the world of watchmaking but in a very real sense a leading Swiss personality, since his commitment and his aura were felt well beyond the confines of the watch industry.

We would also like to pay tribute to Mr Hayek for the interest he showed in our federation. He was attentive to our decisions and always ready to offer us advice. We were greatly struck by his quickness of mind and visionary outlook. We would also like to mention his human qualities. Mr Hayek liked people and felt at ease in their company, hence also his extraordinary popularity. He could impart precise information with an admirable sense of humour.

Jean-Daniel Pasche
President of the FH

Chegado ao mercado

Boucheron The Sensuals Ava Déco. Calibre de quartzo, caixa e pulseira em ouro branco, com diamantes.

Design relojoeiro

O estúdio de design Biegert & Funk concebeu um relógio que dá as horas, escrevendo-as.

O QLOCKTWO já ganhou este ano um Red Dot, na categoria Product Design Award e tem versão em português.

A explicação:

QLOCKTWO makes you pause and allows a different view of time. The typographic front combines the moment with the written word and makes it a statement. „It is half past eight.“

This clock forms a perfect square and seems to hover freely at the wall. A matrix with symmetrically arranged characters constitutes another square in the interior. Some of these characters shine in pure white to form words that describe time.

The front surface is made of polished acrylic glass. The lacquered wooden body supports it by means of eight magnets. That way the front surface can be replaced without visible attachments. There are satin stainless steel or five colours of polished synthetic glass to choose from, each generating contrasts or consistencies in interplay with their surroundings.

When it is activated, the timer sets itself exact to the second and adjusts the brightness of the characters to ambient light. QLOCKTWO is available in several languages, you only need the appropriate front panel.

All colours are each available in german, english, french, italian, dutch, russian, danish, norwegian, swedish, arabic, swiss german, portuguese, catalan and spanish.

Para saber mais, vá aqui.

Pista dada por Adriana Correia de Oliveira

Nicolas Hayek (1928-2010) - os dez melhores Swatch

Num tributo original a Nicolas Hayek, o blog Crunch Gear escolheu dez Swatch emblemáticos. Pode ver tudo aqui.
Em cima, o Swatch Uhren Double Dot YKS4001. Em 1999, Nicolas Hayek e Nicholas Negroponte criaram o conceito de Internet Time, um tempo universal standard. Em baixo, o primeiro Swatch.

Universal Genève deixa de produzir

Anúncio no Diário de Notícias, 1967

A Universal Genève, fundada em 1894, é uma marca suíça que chegou a gozar de grande prestígio no mercado português, especialmente nos anos 50 e 60 do século passado. Um seu calibre, automático, com micro-rotor, ficou famoso na história da indústria.

Agora, Business Montres anuncia que a sociedade de investimentos Stelux, de Hong Kong, decidiu encerrar a manufactura, mantendo no entanto o nome e procurando um comprador.

As marcas suíças Favre-Leuba, Leonard, Villemont, Vincent Bérard, Voltime e Wyler tinham sido, até agora, as primeiras vítimas da conjuntura.
Anúncios Universal Genève dos anos 50 do século passado

Nayala Hayek eleita Presidente do Swatch Group

Nayala Hayek, a filha de Nicolas Hayek, falecido segunda-feira, foi hoje eleita por unanimidade Presidente do Conselho de Directores do Swatch Group, cargo que era desempenhado pelo pai. O irmão, Nick Hayek Jr., é desde 2003 CEO do Grupo.

O comunicado oficial:

At his today's meeting, the Board of Directors of The Swatch Group Ltd., Mrs. Nayla Hayek, until now Vice-President, has been unanimously appointed Chairwoman of the Board of Directors.
Mrs. Nayla Hayek has been prepared towards this function during the past years and has a long-time experience within the Board of Directors. In addition, she was sucessfully active in various operational functions during the last years.

The Board of Directors has honored the immeasurable merits of Nicolas G. Hayek and will keep a grateful memory of him as founder The Swatch Group Ltd. and visionary pioneer.

Nayla Hayek, Swiss citizen, Dr h.c. European University Montreux, Montreux, has been on the Board of Directors of the Swatch Group since 1995 (Vice-Chairman since 2010). As a member of the World Arabian Horse Organization (WAHO), and as international Arabian horse judge, Mrs Hayek’s top-level contacts contribute to many of the business and promotional activities of the Swatch Group and she is responsible for the local organization in Dubai (Swatch Group Middle East) on site, Swatch Group India and the brand Balmain. In the middle of 2007, her advisory mandate has been converted into an employment agreement. Following the signature of collaboration agreements with Tiffany & Co., New York, Mrs Hayek has taken over the operational leadership of the new business entity Tiffany Watches, which was incorporated on 22 January 2008 (Tiffany Watch Co. Ltd). As Board member of the Hayek Group, she is responsible for Hayek Immobilien AG. Mrs Hayek is member of the Board of Directors of Rivoli Investments L.L.C., Dubai, where she represents the interests of Swatch Group, as well as member of the Board of Directors of Benelos Clean Power Holding Ltd. She holds no official function or political office.

Um texto inédito sobre o Tempo


As folhas da árvore em frente da minha janela organizaram-se para deixar passar a luz do Sol de Inverno.

Foi bom.

Uma máquina de coser com pedais. Ou seria um piano de pé, não me recordo. Era uma coisa antiga e tinha um som ritmado.

O relógio do fundo da sala escura ordenava a hora do lanche e o Sol ia-se embora, recolhia-se no seu refúgio de Inverno e nós lanchávamos torradas com manteiga.

Voltava no dia seguinte na janela do outro lado da casa, a pedir licença para entrar, tímido. E nós de mochila para a escola e o relógio da sala escura enquanto badalava apressado que eram horas de sair. Tocava tic –tac de saudades enquanto não estávamos, era o que nos diziam.

O Sol pôs-se de vez.

Foi para outro lado.

Encontrei-o depois noutra casa. Mas já não tinha relógio, nem piano, nem máquina de costura.
As torneiras tinham deixado de pingar o tempo compassadamente e eram cromadas.
O elevador calava o som dos passos apressados das crianças a descer as escadas a correr para ir para a escola.

Depois já não havia crianças.

Só sobravam as flores pintadas na jarra a servir de centro de mesa.

Até que também estas se desfolharam.

Quando se foram embora deixaram um montinho de cinzas no chão.

Texto inédito, de Jorge Casaca

Chegado(s) ao mercado

Just Cavalli Live. Peças em aço, com cristais Swarovski
Anel. PVP: 49 €
Brincos. PVP: 79 €
Pulseira. PVP: 139 €
Colar. PVP: 179 €

Chegado ao mercado

Marc Ecko The Flint. Calibre de quartzo, caixa em aço. PVP: 139 €

Meditações - pouco tempo para ser e pensar

Por vezes, o tempo acelera; outras, parece parado. Actualmente, na aceleração vertiginosa do tempo, quando se pensa e se é?

Anselmo Borges

terça-feira, 29 de junho de 2010

Riqueza no mundo cada vez mais concentrada

Segundo o estudo The University UNU-WIDER, "o mais completo alguma vez feito sobre riqueza pessoal", os dois por cento mais ricos da Humanidade possuem metade da riqueza mundial. A ler,

finitum est

Hora portuguesa, hoje, na Cidade do Cabo (das Tormentas) - 00:01

Nicolas Hayek (1928-2010) - um tributo

Estação Cronográfica reproduz aqui aquele que considera ser um dos mais interessantes e (até por isso) pessoais tributos que foram prestados a Nicolas Hayek, o "Sr. Swatch", mas não apenas isso...

Escreve o correspondente de Negócios do site Swissinfo, Robert Brookes:

I remember seeing him the first time. It was in Biel when it was announced that the two dying watch groups ASUAG and SSIH were going to merge and he would try to rescue them.

Both then, it was the early 1980s, had brands that were household names – Omega and Tissot. He saved them and other ailing brands.

Hayek did not invent the Swatch but he was instrumental in pushing the brand name and, of course, making the group what it is today – the world’s largest watchmaking concern.

When the Swatch watch came of age, there was a wonderful party in Zermatt, at which Hayek spoke of his most favourite poem – If by Rudyard Kipling. He mentioned it several times in later speeches. He obviously loved it.*

He walked through Zermatt and was feted by many hundreds of people.

Then after a few more years he went on to buy Breguet – a stroke of genius from someone who started life as a consultant in Switzerland with an office in Zurich without a telephone. He had to go to the post office across the road to make calls.

The man went on to prove that he was a king of the watchmaking industry. And he loved his Breguet brand – he was the CEO - to the extent that he spent SFr2.3 million ($2.12 million) at an auction in Geneva in May to buy valuable original documents from arguably Switzerland’s greatest watchmaker – Abraham-Louis Breguet.

No nonsense style

I once asked him why he had fired some of his top managers. His answer was typical: “They are getting too arrogant and forgetting the business.”

He will be remembered by some as a patriarch who stood no nonsense. I asked him about that too and he replied that he had more than 300 factories to keep going and tens of thousands of employees that he wanted to keep in a job. There was no room for complacency.

And he could not stand the thought that industry would leave Switzerland.

Nicolas Georges Hayek will be remembered as a small but great man of Swiss recent history – one who hated the stock exchange for its whims over the Swatch Group’s performance.

You always knew where you were with him. He always had a definite point of view.

But he could also be very warm hearted and approachable. He wrote a moving inscription to me in his autobiography, thanking me for the “wonderful and substantial radio of the last 25 years”. (swissinfo was formerly Swiss Radio International.)

Some of his top management will say that he could and would speak his mind in no uncertain terms. But most stayed loyal and stood by him and made the group what it is today.

Swiss watchmaking has over the past few years been in a pretty good shape and it has a lot to do with Hayek, who cared for what was going on in the watch sector.

Hayek will be sorely missed not only by his family but also by Switzerland as a whole. He will be hard to replace.


IF you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!'

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
' Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch,
if neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!

Nicolas Hayek (1928-2010) - revista da imprensa helvética de hoje

A imprensa helvética dá hoje natural destaque à morte de Nicolas Hayek, presidente do Swatch Group, o maior do mundo no sector da relojoaria. A ler um resumo, aqui.

Escolhidos os beneficiados com o Rolex Mentor and Protégé Arts Initiative 2010-2011

O programa da Rolex que visa apoiar jovens talentos a nível mundial, colocando-os durante um ano em contacto com mentores nas suas respectivas áreas anunciou os seis eleitos para a edição 2010-2011.

O arquitecto Sisa Vieira foi, até hoje, o único mentor português (em Arquitectura) incluído no programa e não houve nunca nenhum beneficiado nacional com o Rolex Mentor and Protégé Arts Initiative.

O comunicado da Rolex:

Six exceptional young talents from Australia, Jordan, Lebanon, South Africa and the United States have been chosen by Trisha Brown, Brian Eno, Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Anish Kapoor, Peter Sellars and Zhang Yimou to work with them for a year of individual mentoring in the Rolex Mentor and Protégé Arts Initiative 2010-2011, it was announced today.

The six protégés are:

•Dance: Lee Serle (Australia)

Selected by mentor Trisha Brown (United States)

Australian dancer/choreographer Lee Serle, 28, received a bachelor of dance degree from Melbourne’s Victorian College of the Arts in 2003. He has contributed to the work of several mainly Melbourne-based companies, including Lucy Guerin Inc and Chunky Move, with which he has performed both nationally and internationally. His choreographic credits include A Little Murky, a small-scale piece that experiments with subtle characterization and showcases his powerful and theatrical style, and I’m in Love, for the Next Wave Festival in Melbourne.

•Music: Ben Frost (Australian living in Iceland)

Selected by mentor Brian Eno (United Kingdom)

Thirty-year-old Australian composer, producer and musician Ben Frost received an arts degree in Melbourne in 2005, before relocating across the world to Reykjavík where he co-founded the record label Bedroom Community. Frost’s work, influenced by minimalism, punk rock and metal, includes three albums: Steel Wound (2003), Theory of Machines (2007) and By the Throat (2009). His multidisciplinary collaborations include work with choreographers Gideon Obarzanek and Wayne McGregor and with well-known artists such as Björk. He is currently composing music for an online game, World of Darkness.

•Literature: Tracy K Smith (United States)

Selected by mentor Hans Magnus Enzensberger (Germany)

Tracy K. Smith, 38, received degrees from Harvard and Columbia universities before becoming a fellow at Stanford and taking on various teaching positions. Since 2005, she has been assistant professor of creative writing at Princeton. Her two critically acclaimed poetry collections, The Body’s Question (2003), winner of the Cave Canem Prize for the best first book by an African-American poet, and Duende (2007), recipient of the James Laughlin Award of the Academy of American Poets, will be followed in 2011 by her recently completed, Life on Mars.

Visual Arts: Nicholas Hlobo (South Africa)

Selected by mentor Anish Kapoor (United Kingdom)

Nicholas Hlobo, 34, was born in Cape Town in 1975 and lives in Johannesburg. He graduated with a degree in Fine Art from the then Technikon Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, in 2002. He has exhibited in group and solo shows from Cape Town to Rome and Boston. The distinctive use of evocative materials is a hallmark of Hlobo’s sculptural installations and performances, which are rooted in his native Xhosa culture and language. In 2008, he exhibited four works, entitled Uhambo, in the Level 2 Gallery, Tate Modern, for emerging, international artists. Among his recent successes was the 2009 Standard Bank Young Artist Award for Visual Arts.

•Theatre: Maya Zbib (Lebanon)

Selected by mentor Peter Sellars (United States)

For over a decade, Lebanese actor, writer and aspiring director Maya Zbib, 29, has been impressing critics with her subtle portrayals in widely diverse roles. Having acquired a Master’s in Performance Making in 2007 from Goldsmiths, University of London, Zbib has created and performed in solo work, including The Music Box, a performanceinstallation staged in people’s houses and showcased at international festivals. She currently co-manages Beirut’s Zoukak Theatre Company and Cultural Association, which she co-founded in 2006, and also teaches at Lebanese University’s Institute of Fine Arts.

•Film: Annemarie Jacir (Palestinian living in Jordan)

Selected by mentor Zhang Yimou (China)

Annemarie Jacir, 36, is a Palestinian film director and poet living in Jordan. She was named one of Filmmaker magazine’s 25 New Faces of Independent Cinema in 2004, a year after graduating with a Master’s in Fine Arts from New York’s Columbia University. Co-founder of the Dreams of a Nation project, dedicated to promoting Palestinian cinema, Jacir includes among her films like twenty impossibles (2003), an Official Selection of the Cannes Cinéfondation. Her debut feature, Salt of this Sea (2008), the first feature film by a female Palestinian director, was an Academy Award submission for Best Foreign Language Film. It was awarded the FIPRESCI International Critics’ Prize. Jacir is currently working on a new feature.

O programa

The programme Rolex Mentor and Protégé Arts Initiative, founded in 2002, enables six talented young artists around the world to work alongside six major artists in the fields of dance, film, literature, music, theatre and visual arts for a year of collaboration. Artists who have been mentors on the programme are: John Baldessari, Tahar Ben Jelloun, Sir Colin Davis, Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, Rebecca Horn, Jiří Kylián, William Forsythe, Stephen Frears, Sir Peter Hall, David Hockney, Toni Morrison, Mira Nair, Youssou N'Dour, Jessye Norman, Martin Scorsese, Álvaro Siza, Wole Soyinka, Julie Taymor, Saburo Teshigawara, Mario Vargas Llosa, Kate Valk, Robert Wilson and Pinchas Zukerman.

The six selected protégés will each have their own individually tailored programme, providing time across the year for unique personal access to and creative dialogue with their mentor. The protégés will receive a grant of $25,000 each and are eligible for a further $25,000 dollars towards the cost of creating a project following their mentoring year. Available material includes an edited package with soundbites of the Mentors and still images of the Rolex Mentors and Protégés.

The Rolex Mentor and Protégé Arts Initiative is an international philanthropic programme devised by Rolex and run by a team at the company’s headquarters in Geneva. It seeks out highly talented young artists from around the world and brings them together with great masters for a year of creative collaboration in a one-to-one mentoring relationship.

History and objectives

The Rolex Mentor and Protégé Arts Initiative was launched in June 2002. It runs biennially and is now beginning its fifth cycle (2010-2011). Its objective is to help perpetuate the world’s artistic heritage. In keeping with its tradition of supporting individual excellence, Rolex is giving emerging artists time to learn, create and grow.

Programme format

Rolex invites masters in dance, film, literature, music, theatre and the visual arts to provide individual guidance to gifted young artists. In six disciplines, a senior artist (the mentor) agrees to foster and counsel a young artist (the protégé) for one year. Each pair decides the most effective way of interacting.

Selection of mentors

Every two years, a new Advisory Board of distinguished artists and arts practitioners suggests and endorses potential mentors. Once the mentors have been approached and have agreed to take part, Rolex works with them to establish a profile of the protégé they would like to work with.

Selection of protégés

Then, six Nominating Panels – one panel per discipline – are assembled. The panels are made up of experts qualified to identify suitable potential protégés. To ensure that the process is impartial, panel members remain anonymous during the selection period.

Artists do not apply directly to the programme. Each Nominating Panel recommends potential protégés, who are then invited by Rolex to submit applications. The Nominating Panel studies all the applications and recommends three finalists. The entire process has an invaluable spin-off, as it allows the panellists to become aware of about 20 talented young people in their field. Rolex then arranges for the mentor to meet the finalists and choose his or her protégé.

Year of mentoring

Mentors and protégés spend a minimum of six weeks together, though many spend considerably more time sharing knowledge and experience. The place and time of these interactions are arranged by mutual agreement. The form of the interaction is flexible, ranging from a protégé being granted access to a master at work, to mentor and protégé actually collaborating on a work. During the year, Rolex keeps in contact with the mentors and protégés to provide logistical support as required.

Protégé grant

Each protégé receives a grant of US$25,000 during the mentoring year, in addition to money to cover travel and other major expenses. Protégés are also eligible to receive a further $25,000 after the year is over. This is offered specifically towards the creation of a new piece of work, a publication, a performance or public event.


To help give exposure to both the protégés and the programme, Rolex documents the year of mentoring in a publication and a film. A website – rolexmentorprotege.com – also describes the programme.


After the mentoring year is over, Rolex continues to keep in touch with the protégés, following their careers with interest. The outcome for protégés varies: a new novel, a new stage production, a dancing career with the mentor’s company and a collaborative artwork with the mentor are all examples of protégés’ achievements through the programme. However, Rolex is aware that the full benefits of the programme for many of the young artists may continue far into the future.

Global creative community

Since the launch, in 2002, of the Rolex Mentor and Protégé Arts Initiative, 256 artists, arts leaders and other cultural luminaries have participated in the programme. This includes 67 advisors who have helped select mentors and 147 nominators who have identified potential protégés. Programme participants contribute from across the globe, building a Rolex community of artists spanning more than 40 countries that grows in depth and scope with each mentoring year.

Para saber mais:
P.O. Box 1311 - 1211 Geneva 26 - Switzerland
Tel. +41 (0)22 302 22 00
Fax +41 (0)22 302 25 85
Email: rmp@rolex.com

Chegado ao mercado

Marc Ecko TT Rhino. Calibre de quartzo. Caixa e pulseira em aço, bisel com cristais. PVP: 179 €

Relógio-quadro a leilão

O Palácio do Correio Velho realiza na próxima semana um leilão onde vai à praça um relógio-quadro.

Cacheux - Escola francesa do séc. XIX
Paisagem com igreja, ponte, rio, várias figuras e casas com torre
Óleo sobre tela, com autómato e relógio (mostrador visível na torre da Igreja)
Assinado e datado de 1881
Dim. aprox.: 65 x 81 cm.; Dim. aprox. moldura: 82 x 99 x 19 cm.
Notas Na torre da igreja vê-se o mostrador de um relógio, cujo mecanismo e caixa de música se encontram no interior da caixa da moldura. Restauros e reentelado. Necessita de limpeza na camada pictórica e do mecanismo.
Estimativa € 1.500 / € 2.500
Ao valor de martelo será adicionada a comissão de comprador de 16.00%

Pista fornecida por Ralf Wokan

Pierre DeRoche com a melhor aplicação para iPhone

A manufactura helvética de Alta Relojoaria Pierre DeRoche venceu o Internet Advertising Competition por a sua aplicação para iPhone ter sido considerada a melhor de 2010 para empresas do sector. A aplicação pode ser descarregada aqui.

Les Ambassadeurs com nova boutique em Lugano

A cadeia suíça de Alta Relojoaria e Joalharia Les Ambassadeurs abre na próxima semana em Lugano uma nova boutique, na mesma rua, a Via Nassa, onde estava a anterior, mas agora no nº 5.

Com mais de 40 anos de actividade, Les Ambassadeurs tem ainda pontos de venda em Genebra, St. Moritz e Zurique.

Equipada de um "Espace Connaisseur", reservado a clientes VIP, a nova boutique Les Ambassadeurs em Lugano tem 160 metros quadrados e um portefólio com as seguintes marcas: A. Lange & Söhne, Audemars Piguet, Bell & Ross, Blancpain, Breguet, Breitling, Cartier, Chanel, Frank Muller, Girard-Perregaux, IWC, Jaeger-LeCoultre, Jaermann & Stübi, Longines, Pasquale Bruni, Pomellato, Mimi, Mikimoto, Roger Dubuis, Ulysse Nardin, Vacheron Costantin, Vulcain e Zenith.

Os super-ricos continuam a gastar... muito

Retrato de Angel Fernandez de Soto, um Picasso vendido na semana passada por 34 milhões de libras

De como os super-ricos continuam a gastar muito, especialmente em bens cuja exclusividade e valorização estão assegurados: arte e antiguidades. A ler no The Independent, aqui.

Chegado(s) ao mercado

No âmbito da sua colecção Rose, a casa Dior acaba de lançar as jóias Bois de Rose, um tributo ao fundador. O senhor Dior tinha como flores favoritas as rosas.

Victoire de Castellane, responsável pela criatividade Dior, fala de "um estame que se enrola no dedo, como uma declaração romântica ou um símbolo de amor eterno".
Anel Bois de Rose em ouro amarelo e diamantes
Anel Bois de Rose em ouro amarelo e diamantes amarelos
Anel Bois de Rose em ouro amarelo e diamantes
Anel Bois de Rose em ouro branco e diamantes
Anel Bois de Rose em ouro branco e diamantes
Anel Bois de Rose em ouro rosa e diamantes rosas
Brincos Bois de Rose em ouro amarelo
Brincos Bois de Rose em ouro branco e diamantes

Piaget participa pela primeira vez na Bienal dos Antiquários, em Paris

Pela primeira vez, a manufactura de Alta Relojoaria suíça Piaget vai participar na Biennal des Antiquaires, cuja 25ª edição decorre em Paris de 15 a 22 de Setembro.

A Bienal tornou-se num evento incontornável para os joalheiros de todo o mundo e a Piaget tem naturalmente ali o seu lugar, diz Philippe-Léopolde Metzger, CEO da marca. "vamos estar presentes com 60 modelos, traduzindo a imaginação e capacidade dos nossos artesãos", diz.
A edição deste ano da Bienal é um tributo à Alta Costura e a Piaget escolheu peças de joalharia e relógios-jóia que se inserem nesse espírito.

Chegado(s) ao mercado

Dolce & Gabana Hoop-la. Calibres de quartzo, caixas em aço. PVP: 118 €